Member-only story
Hello, friend. It is the last day of the year & I have a few words for you.
You had a good year & I am proud of you. You adjusted your entire life to get through a plague & pandemic & you did so w/little to no help from our Government.
You switched gears, started new jobs, began new projects & new home businesses. Some of you became homeschool teachers, & others became primary caregivers. You learned to bake, cook, clean, shop online, & manage your way through Zoom.
You did so much & because we were all “In it”, no one really was available to shout your praises.
Well, I am.
You are awesome.
You stayed being a good friend, even when you told your friends you would not gather. You constantly told friends & relatives to wear a mask, social distance, wash hands, don’t gather — even when they no longer wanted to hear that message.
And you know what? You worked part-time to help elect your primary candidate & then most of us had to switch to supporting a different person but you rallied for the good of.. all of us, & you phone banked, texted, attended zooms, & gave money to get Biden/Harris elected.
I know you also struggled w/loneliness, grieved deaths, broke up, argued, became depressed, missed sleep, stopped exercising, & retreated from.. life.
That is okay.
You are okay.