Ignore Joy Reid

Myron Clifton
5 min readJan 18, 2024


It is election season, so Joy Reid is again doing what she does best: bashing democrats, downplaying Biden administration successes, and platforming anti- VP Harris talking heads like the absurdly self-named “Charlamagne tha god.”

Joy Reid’s cable news show on MSNBC is a leftist and right wing dream show that spends much of its time “shitposting” against democrats, the President and Vice President.

Joy has found her niche on the low watched cable network by providing a Black face and voice to spew anti-democratic rhetoric.

She takes time to snatch defeat from any and every democratic victory and to remind her viewers that no matter what the accomplishment — healthcare, infrastructure, border security, student debt relief, or passing budgets, the president and democrats aren’t doing enough.

Her soft-peddled voter suppression tactics are tiresome and she’s exhausting.

Joy’s latest mess is when she brought on Lenard McKelvey, a media guy and co-host of radio’s The Breakfast Club — a show known for spreading rumors, trafficking lies, anti-Black woman misogyny, and political hot-takes that are embarrassing for their lack of insight or of how government works.

Larry McKelvey — Charlamagne’s government name — is accused by a then 15-year-old girl of being a participant in her rape. There is also video of Larry laughing as he tells the story of putting Spanish Fly/date rape drug in the young woman’s drink and.. things proceed to all the worst actions from there.

Did Joy bring Larry on her show to talk about men in power getting away with rape and sexual assault? Nope. She brought him to talk politics and to hype his new podcast.

It is not surprising Joy platforms an accused rapist and man who routinely attacks Black politicians — especially Black women because she also constantly criticizes or ignores the work and accomplishments of vice president Kamala Harris.

No matter what VP Harris does, where she goes, what issues she champions, what head of state she meets with, or nation she travels to, Joy rarely finds moments to outline her work but always finds time to parrot GOP and Russian talking points — “Where is the vice president and what is she doing to solve <insert every national issue the nation has faced for 350 years> like democrats promised?

Well, Joy, maybe VP Harris has been busy touring college campuses, visiting dozens of states to meet with local politicians and state legislatures, working with various Hispanic groups that represent the many different issues facing the largest minority group in the nation, and helping down-ballot democrats reach constituents so the party wins more seats in congress… so they can pass more legislation and continue to improve the lives of all Americans.

VP Harris has been everywhere, Joy, and she and the president have the results and accomplishments to prove and show their work. From women’s healthcare, access to safe abortions, the most significant gun safety laws in 30 years, and combating book bans and revisionist history.

Perhaps if you spent less time platforming losers like Larry and his like-minded podcast co-hosts Tiffany Cross and Angela Ryetwo media personalities who also regularly downplay and/or ignore VP Harris’s accomplishments, you would know what she has done, is doing, and will do.

Angela Rye even defended Charlamagne against rape accusations, warmly calling him “My brother” while doing so. She’s now accusing Chris Cuomo of sending her inappropriate text messages while they interacted at CNN where he was a host and she was a frequent guest commentator. Chris Cuomo is a known sexist pig.. and so is Larry, but one is Angela’s “Brother” and the other is a horrible person.

But that’s too much to ask a MSNBC host I guess. It is really something when Fox News talking face Kayleigh McEnaney speaks forcefully and truthfully about VP Harris more than you’ve ever done.

Joy Reid doesn’t have to loudly support VP Harris or the Biden administration -she is after all, a journalist.

And as a journalist who covers politics she should highlight democratic accomplishments and the work democratic politicians are doing because their work is… news, plain and simple.

Joy also doesn’t have to parrot GOP talking points, mislead her viewers, and pretend not to know how government works.

But here we are.

One would think Joy Reid would understand the importance of reporting fully and accurately after she claimed long standing accusations against her were inaccurate and/or there result of hacking.

Joy has long been accused of vile homophobia because of her past social media comments on her blog. Joy denied authoring her own homophobic posts and blamed them on hackers, before offering a poor “apology.”

“If I did it, I am sorry, but I don’t think I did it, but if I did I am sorry, but I honestly don’t remember doing it. I was hacked.”

Puh-leeze, Joy.

The road to the 2024 election will be filled with potholes, misdirection, and misinformation. There will be propaganda, disinformation, and purveyors of bad-faith reporting from right- and left-wing media outlets.

The Big Three of cable news — Fox, CNN, and MSNBC each lean away from the democratic party and the Biden-Harris administration and toward the republican party and their convicted rapist leading candidate.

Will Joy call out Trump’s rape conviction after not calling out Charlamagne’s?

Obviously Fox leans right and many folk aren’t noticing that CNN is also leaning right since new management took over.

And MSNBC? They lean so far left they are meeting up with Fox — the cable news horseshoe in full effect.

And it is Joy Reid who is making and securing her coins pushing the network so far left that it no longer resembles the CNN-light network from years ago. And that’s too bad because Joy Reid has the skills to be a good journalist if she chose to instead of being a troll to democrats and Biden-Harris.

But take her as she is and judge her on what she has said about the lgbtqi community, on how she platformed an accused rapist and pedophile, and on how she is making a name for herself disparaging and/or ignoring one of the greatest presidential teams in American history.

We see you, Joy, and we’ve seen enough.



Myron Clifton
Myron Clifton

Written by Myron Clifton

Indie published author, Voice Memos Podcast, Dear Dean EMagazine owner, Blogger at Medium. Myron Clifton on Spoutible. Check out my books at link below. 👨🏾‍💻

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