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Nina Turner Must be Stopped — Hello Somebody!
Voters in Ohio’s 11th district are apparently getting to know the *real Nina Turner, and not the fake Nina Turner she and her campaign have falsely presented to the people in Ohio.
Nina Turner has run a false campaign that desperately tries to paint her as a “Democrat” who has worked “with” the party to… do what, exactly?
Nina Turner has a long history of disliking the Democratic Party, centrists, establishment, and democrats who refused to bend the knee to her idol, twice failed presidential candidate Bernard Sanders.
Like her mentor, Nina Turner isn’t a democrat and only poorly pretends to be one so she can get elected and do her best to muck up every democratic priority being championed by President Biden and MVP Kamala Harris.
Her goal is to join the “Squad” so she and they can continue to oppose President Biden, MVP Harris, and Madam Speaker Pelosi, while being social media champions of gumming up and destroying democratic chances for 2022 and 2024.
Make no mistake, Nina Turner has no desire to help democrats gain seats so the country can to continue its recovery from the white nationalist former guy.
It wasn’t long ago — okay, it was 2016 — when Turner, coming off the humiliating shellacking of Bernard Sanders by Hilary Clinton, was…