Palestine, Hamas, and Nonviolence
Palestinians depending on Hamas to get a State or to protect you … Proves again Dr. Martin Luther King was right in his nonviolent approach to gain rights.
There was never a violent solution that Black Americans could win inside this nation — and that remains true no matter what keyboard revolutionaries say.
These stateside pro-Hamas folk thinking they’ll change U.S. foreign policy by painting fences outside the White House, defacing statues, or wishing for Putin to lead them, will learn very fast that the folk in most danger are the people of color advocating for such nonsense.
Those privileged college adults, baristas, and the like who are white and leading so many of the protests, and who are proclaiming they’re socialists, Hitler lovers, or Marxists.. are no different than their counter-culture Woodstock grandparents who stopped protesting the Vietnam war and are now solidly republican voters.
They’re mad and lashing out because they always assume they not only have a right to be heard but that everyone else has an obligation to listen to them. As nonwhite people ask often: Who raised these folk?
We know who did. Look at the Republican Party -that’s who raised them.
They’ll never take up arms against the U.S. but they’ll tell you YOU should.
You remember the response when Black folk gathered in DC a few years ago? The same law enforcement response that was decidedly missing on January 6th was out in full force.
Response to Black protesters vs. the response to white protesters:
The response to you if you’re waving the Palestine flag or calling for destruction of Israel, or celebrating Putin or any of his henchmen will be worse than how they postured against Black folk. It’ll be worse than how law enforcement and white citizens who attacked Black and Jewish protests in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Your best chance to change U.S. foreign policy is at the ballot box.
Your only chance.
As Black folk’s only chance to change domestic policies were to vote, register to vote, vote again, march — repeat for each election into each next generation.
It’s not pretty or glamorous detractors will tell you.
They’re lying.
It was beautiful seeing our folk dressing up to vote. Crossing bridges in unity with supporters -white, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, and of course Jewish.
There’s beauty in unity of purpose and glamour in progress.
And it was and is hard.
We still fight to vote. Mississippi conveniently ran out of ballots in the areas where Black people vote — two hours after voting began. Democrats had to sue for emergency ballots and to extend voting hours. Republicans sued to stop allowing voting — effectively disenfranchising thousands of Black voters. It is how white republicans maintain power in predominantly Black cities, counties, and states.
So yes, we still fight to vote and to overcome republicans resistance to nation-sharing with us, with indigenous peoples, and with all marginalized communities. But share they must and will because we don’t back down.
We get mad. We vote. We advocate. We protest.
Black Americans provided a template for you to effect change. Defacing, destroying, attacking Jewish people, or ripping down Missing Children posters are not effective and will not effect change.
The American experiment evolves, however slowly. January 6th was a strong attempt to force the country to devolve, but that failed and continues to fail.
And if I can point out something important about that day every Black and brown family talked about it would be this.
If white people couldn’t stop America or force it to bend to its will -the demographic that is armed like no other population in the planet, you certainly cannot.
Because as that picture shows you will be met with lethal force — no matter which party is in charge.
Dr. King and Black families and allies showed the nation and the world how to move America forward.
That method still works. Use our template and find success.
Use the other way and you’ll find certain failure.