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Supreme Court Aborts Abortion Rights
In an unprecedented leak of a draft opinion, the Supreme Court’s radical Catholics prepared to reach back to the GOP glory days of a coat hanger in every purse, street and alley “medicine”, and abortion is okay if you are wealthy and Uncle John is a doctor.
Writing for the majority, each of whom is catholic, Alito’s 98-page document says there is no constitutional basis for abortion, just like there is no constitutional basis for marriage for two gay people to be married, or that there is any basis in their hallowed 200-year old document for interracial marriage.
Predictably the supreme court’s shit hit the democratic fan.
That’s right: it is not *only about abortion or access to abortions, but about preserving the white race, aka, white supremacy. Make no mistake that the decision is about forcing white women and girls to have babies to reverse the decades long trend of declining birthrates for white women and thus for white america. When you combine declining white births with the growth of the Latino/Hispanic and Black populations, you get white supremacists afraid of the inevitable — white folk as minority in the country they believe is made by and for them, despite the living evidence that everyone else represents.
And though I highlight the catholic power-block that is forcing their Pope-approved…