Member-only story
U.S. Annual Performance Review
It is that time of year where many workers receive annual performance reviews from their employers and managers. From now until end of first quarter in 2023, employees will be told how they performed in certain areas that the company feel is critical to the company’s mission and important to the local office/retail/call center, or department’s efficacy.
Even though company’s do all employee surveys, they don’t do them enough, they don’t act on the feedback, and they really don’t care enough to share the details of the negative feedback they receive.
And supervisors and managers rarely solicit feedback on their performance from their employees and direct reports.
It is much the same with the government — from your local, district, state, and on up to the feds. People will say “Voting is how we rate elected official’s performance” and they will be partially correct, of course. And there are town hall meeting — for democrats since republicans rarely hold them — , city council meetings, school board meetings, and even HOA meetings where regular people can provide feedback to those who govern us.
But we rarely get the opportunity, outside of Yelp or Google reviews, to do a performance review of companies, and there’s really no such provision for the government.
Until now.
I’m going to take a shot at an annual performance review of the US Government for 2022.